Photo of Marcelo Núñez C. Ecuador

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Marcelo Nunez, born on January 6, 1977 in the city of Esmeraldas, recidente in Quito since 1980 where he lies to date, performed engineering studies, not concluded since his aesthetic love of self leads to the formation.

Your current proposal shows a new vision of art Native Ecuadorian pre-Inca presence, based on the geometric configuration or Sun Chacana Equator, and then explore the variation of shapes and...

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Marcelo Nunez, born on January 6, 1977 in the city of Esmeraldas, recidente in Quito since 1980 where he lies to date, performed engineering studies, not concluded since his aesthetic love of self leads to the formation.

Your current proposal shows a new vision of art Native Ecuadorian pre-Inca presence, based on the geometric configuration or Sun Chacana Equator, and then explore the variation of shapes and colors meanings contained in ceremonial rites, aspects of daily living, crops and even in its architecture.


Workshops Cárdenas

Art History, July-December. 2000

Introduction to The Semiotics, April-June 2002

Assessment of the sign and symbol, signifier and signified,

Volumetric studies, spatial, temporal, gestural, August-September 2004

Theory of image and color effects, October-December 2005

Arts Workshops "Ortega"

Painting, restoration, design, 1994 - 2004

Artist Expocolor center

Aged finishes and, in May 1999

Polychrome and Imaging, October 1998


CAP Industrial Mechanics, November 1996

Machine tools, ajustaje, industrial maintenance, special welding, matrisería, etc.

Holdings Formal:

Provincial Council of Pichincha

  • Outdoor Gallery

October 16, 2009

October 30, 2009

Volume and Color Exhibition

  • Pictorial displays, Collective

Sangolquí - Pichincha

From 21 to 30 September/2009

Provincial Council of Pichincha

  • Pictorial Display

From 13 to 27 April/2009

Embassy of the United States of America

  • Pictorial displays, Collective

From 15 to 20 May/2008

Museum of the City of Riobamba

  • Salon IV National Arts

April / 2008

Artists Association of Pichincha

  • Magna CAPPP Exhibition House of Culture

22, November/2007

The Condor and the Eagle in the Center of the World

  • Sculpture and Painting Exhibition, Collective

From 20 to 24 September/2007

Artists Association of Pichincha

  • 1 st Grand Auction, Collective

21, August, 2007

Qhapaq Nan, Posta Peru, Ecuador 2007

  • 2 nd Witness Symbolic Variation, The UNANCHA


Centro Cultural Metropolitano

  • Group Exhibition, The Evening Libertarian

9, August, 2007

Qhapaq Nan, Sangolquí 2007

  • Symbolic Variation of Witness, The UNANCHA
  • Totems series of 7, a gift to Host Bolivarian countries


Qhapaq Nan, Posta Puma Pungo Ingapirca Sangolquí 2006

  • Symbolic operator Witness, The UNANCHA

May 2006

Arab Horse Fair

  • Pictorial displays, Collective

25 and 26 June of 2005

Actors Workshop and Fables "TAF"

  • Pictorial Display, Single

August November/2005

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